Sunday, March 22, 2009

Entry-level newspaper reporter jobs

Looking for your first journalism job? These positions may be a good fit:
  • The Middletown Press, a 7,000-circulation daily newspaper located 16 miles south of Hartford, Conn., seeks a reporter and an editor." Both must be aggressive, curious, precise and tenacious," the ad states. "Candidates MUST have demonstrated ability to play on and lead this small team that is reinventing its products. Whatever you're used to, this is probably not it." To apply, e-mail cover letter, resume and work samples to:
  • The Corbin (Ky.) Times-Tribune, a 7,000-circulation daily newspaper in southeastern Kentucky, seeks a full-time reporter. "Tackle everything from feature assignments to hard news," the ad states.​ "We'​ll consider a recent graduate, but this is also an opportunity at a growing newspaper for a reporter with weekly or daily experience."​ E-mail resume, clips and a cover letter to Samantha Swindler at sswindler@​thetimestribune.​com.
Location: United States

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